Five Pentacles Black Agate Tower

These towers (or obelisks if you prefer) have 5 Pentacles engraved and painted gold on them, adding that little extra dose of protection to these crystal beauties. It is thought that this addition also brings clarity, enhances mental flexibility and enables strong decision-making abilities.

Protection | Grounding | Calming

This type of Agate, like all other black stones, is a grounding and protective stone. It may bring a sense of calm or peace during times of grief. This calming stone is great to have around when in a stressful household as it may help keep the peace. When having to make difficult decisions, or doling out some tough love, use a piece of Black Agate to keep you steady, and focused.

Chakra Associations: Root
Astrological Associations: Capricorn

Approximately 6 to 7" tall

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