Here's a little bit about the maker:
Inner Wolf Jewelry is me: Ashya Elizabeth, from First Nations Cree from Treaty 6 territory. I am also mixed with Turkish. I hand-make each piece sold in the Inner Wolf Jewelry shop using quality materials that I trust, love and find impactful. My heritage is a major influence in my life, and I find the art of jewelry is an amazing conduit for my knowledge.
I’ve always had a deep connection with crystals and minerals and animals and love their positive energy. They have become the center of many of my designs, from bracelets to dreamcatchers. I use some geo-plated crystals - mostly amethyst and mixed mineral quartz, but I try to stick to the raw natural stones as much as possible.
My values guide my business practice; honesty, authenticity, and affordability. The mix of materials I use are influenced by my culture and heritage, and carefully selected and curated. I source most of my materials from the earth, including crystals and naturally shed antlers. Feathers used in my pieces are sourced from my elders. Each piece is designed with a feeling or thought in mind.
Some Inner Wolf Jewelry pieces also come from animals gifted to me by an elder. I have porcupine quills, hair and owl feathers. Some items such as these I incorporate into my jewelry when I feel it’s right. Everything is humanely sourced. No animals are ever not honoured in their gift to me. hiy hiy.