Our solar system is 4.5 billion years old and the planets move every day, giving us opportunities to change and transform our lives. The Astro Magic candle puts you in charge of your relationship with the planets. Tap into this cosmic energy station to align, amplify and direct your spell. Start by identifying your challenge, then set your intention, light your Astro Magic candle, and say the invocation to get aligned with the planet's energy and take charge of your life.
Full Moon - Let it Go: Release your spell, clear the old, complete a cycle, or cleanse yourself of limits, the moon is at its fullest and there is no room for more. Use the Full Moon candle to help you let it go to begin the cycle of what is next for you. Blessing / Invocation: Luna, pregnant with my ideas, dreams, and experiences; I am ready to let go. My magic is freed to manifest, and the wounds and hurts from my past dissolve into nothingness. I release and welcome the cycle of magic.
Jupiter - Lucky Star: Align yourself with Jupiter's energy to improve anything and everything, it is the guardian angel planet. Use the Jupiter candle to bring blessings in the material and spiritual realm, like Santa Claus brought your Lucky Star. Blessing / Invocation: Jupiter, help me make my dreams bigger, my goals wilder and my spirit brighter. Release me of the limits and fears that hamper my success and be the lucky star that makes all of my wishes manifest.
Mars - IDGAF: When you need to stand up for yourself and take what you want and deserve, Mars is the planet to align to. Mars is not concerned with fairness. Use the Mars candle to eliminate all competition and win at every pursuit. Mars energy is also great for firming your boundaries and keeping your power for your own use. Blessing / Invocation: Mars, show me how to win in this game of life. Instill me with confidence & free me from people-pleasing habits. Show me how to meet my own needs first, last, & always, how to complete my mission, and reach my goals.
Mercury - Truth Serum: When you need the truth, you need Mercury. Just the facts are what Mercury is concerned about. Use the Mercury candle to empower your mental disciplines of reason, communication, influence, contracts, and the discernment of the truth. Blessing / Invocation: Mercury, show me the truth that is hidden in darkness and in plain sight. Open my eyes to the information I need, to discern illusion from fact, and subjectivity from objectivity. Reveal the truth of this day.
The Moon - Do You: Self-care is all about doing you! Taking care of and honoring yourself and your natural cycles is a critical foundation in magic. Use The Moon candle to awaken a deeper understanding of who you are on a primal and instinctual level, unlocking access to your greatest powers. Blessing / Invocation:My instincts are empowered by the Moon in all of her phases. Through her blessings, my magic is strengthened and balanced in body, mind, and spirit. I am now free to manifest my true self with greater ease.
New Moon - Let it Grow: Align yourself with the New Moon to open up new possibilities and create with big magic. The ground is fertile on the new moon. Use the New Moon candle to help you plant the seeds of intention and magic you will reap by the full moon. Blessing / Invocation: Dearest, darkest moon, grant me the ability to make things grow in my life. Nurture my soul and body so I am strong enough to nurture others and expand my loving presence in this world.
Saturn - Get the F* Out: When you are at your limit with a person, influence, or even your own bad habits, it's time to Get it the F* Out. It's good to know your limits and Saturn is the best teacher of them. Use the Saturn candle to send away what is getting on your last d*mn nerve, sending it on its way. Blessing / Invocation: Saturn, I call to you to clear away my ills, stress, and bother. Clear from me what brings dis-ease and pain. Remove those who wish to harm or control me. Banish those who attempt to abuse and bully me.
The Sun - Curse Breaker: Your star power is energized by The Sun, transforming you from cursed to blessed. Use The Sun candle to boost your energy and confidence, and cleanse yourself of curses that have been inflicted upon you by others, as well as curses that you inflicted upon yourself. Blessing / Invocation: In the Sun's light I am cleansed of the curses inflicted upon me and the ones I inflict upon myself. With the Sun's rays, my true identity is revealed so I may grow in confidence and gain the favour of all around me.
Venus - That Bitch: Money, love, fame, influence, Venus will get it all for you. When you need to be That Bitch who has it all, the Venus candle is your key to attaining it. Venus fulfills your desires, glamours your life, and makes you irresistible. Blessing / Invocation: Venus empowers me to pursue and attain what I desire. Her blessing helps me understand my worth and draws desire from others, to me. My glamour shows me the beauty in myself and controls what I show others.
Mercury Retrograde - Neutralizer: Is it Mercury Retrograde again? You can take cover or you can tame the MRx. There is a mistaken thought that Mercury messes up your life when in actuality, it opens up the valves to all thought and communication and speeds up what you have started to create. Use the Mercury Retrograde candle to neutralize this effect of overwhelm, helping you dive deep into the messages of Mercury Retrograde and find a new way forward. Blessing / Invocation: Heart of the divine, breathe the light of the universe into the dark of Mercury. Shine your light within my life to enlighten me. Lift these challenges and bring to me the true blessings of Mercury.
- Candle Size: 2" x 4"
- Approximate Burn Time: 40 Hours
- Handmade in Ferndale, MI