All of these amazing Lustral Water Ritual Sprays are made with Solomonic Holy Water, organic essential oils and ECOcert approved solubilizer. Organic, Handcrafted in Canada. 3.4 fl.oz / 100ml
Balancing: Spray on your body and in your environment to balance your chakras and personal energy. Made on the day and in the hour of the Sun.
Business Success: Spray on doorways, cash register, workspace, and your body for business success and increased cash flow. Made on the day of Mercury and in the hour of Jupiter.
Focus: Spray on your body and in your environment to sharpen the mind and aid in concentration and healing. Made on the day of Mercury and in the hour of the Sun.
Healing: Spray in the environment, and if their health permits, on the sick person's body to speed healing. Made on the day of Mercury and in the hour of the Sun.
Love: Spray on your body and in your environment to attract love and friendship or increase your love. Made on the day and in the hour of Venus
Protection: Spray on your body or doorways and windows for physical, emotional, and psychic protection. Made on the day and in the hour of Mars
Sage: Spray on your body and in your environment to purify the space and energies. An effective alternative to traditional smudging when smoke is an issue. Made on the day and in the hour of Saturn
Success + Prosperity: Spray on your body and in your environment to achieve success and prosperity in any endeavour. Made on the day of Mercury and in the hour of Jupiter
Sexuality: Spray in your bedroom, on linens, and your body to bring passion into your life, to increase your sexuality, and to attract sexual partners. Made on the day of Mars and in the hour of Venus