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Element Associations:Air
Planetary Associations: Jupiter
Astrological Associations: Cancer
Chakra Associations: Root
Energy: Masculine/Expressive
Magical Properties: Purification, Abundance, Business + Prosperity, Healing + Protection
Healing Properties: Alternative (Blood Purifier), Aperient, Cholagogue + Hepatic
Botanical Name: Rumex crispus
Yellow Dock Root has been recommended by herbalists for many years, as it serves as a source and remedy. It is most commonly used in purification magic and as a herbal talisman. It is also used in prosperity magick and is believed to be helpful in attracting customers to your business when sprinkled around your place of work.
It is associated with deities Morrighan, Astarte, Isis, Luna + Hecate.
Yellow Dock Root has been recommended by herbalists for hundreds of years. It has served as both a food source and remedy (mostly in constipation). It is high in organic iron compounds and seems to free iron stored in the liver. This makes it useful for anemia, especially when combined with alfalfa and other iron-rich herbs.
**Always consult a physician before using herbal products, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medication(s). These herbs, resins, roots, flowers, and powders are meant to be used for spell and ritual work.
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