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The Magical Nordic Tarot

The Magical Nordic Tarot. 79 Card Tarot Deck with included 68-page guidebook and keepsake box.

From images of symbolic animals (like wolves and bears) to depictions of the Northern Lights and Nordic Tree of Life, The Magical Nordic Tarot is filled with powerful imagery. There are references to the Nordic Gods and Goddesses, including Odin and Freya, and images of key Nordic symbols, such as the Nordic compass and Runestones. References to some of the key characters in Nordic myths include a mischievous squirrel called Ratatoskr, who would run up and down the Tree of Life stirring up trouble between the eagle on top and the serpent at the bottom. The deck also includes a book giving detailed information about each card, along with keywords, an inspirational message, and interesting Nordic legends (many believe the Northern Lights were the souls of lost soldiers).

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