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Greatness of Saturn

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"The telling of mythic stories has always been a powerful form of therapy, bringing healing to people facing adversity. The Greatness of Saturn is such a therapeutic myth, told and retold through many centuries. Taken from the East Indian Vedic tradition, it honors the planet Saturn, who personifies time, limitations, loss, and all forms of adversity." "No person goes through life without sometime being touched by Saturn. This book presents a classic Saturn story and a clear view of the cosmology from which the story came. As we hear the story and come to understand its context, we experience a deeper understanding of what it means to be human."

Staff Pick: "The Greatness of Saturn... A dense, and often heavy, story detailing a specific astrological transit through myth, metaphor, and spiritual understanding. This is a book I recommend every astrologer and astrology enthusiast read at some point in their studies, as the picture painted by this book is a detailed portrait of Saturn's true face. Those looking to find comfort in the cold night of a Saturn transit would do good to give this book not only a read, but a thorough examination of it's reflection through your own experience." - Cedric. 

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