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4" Crystal Grids


This Item Is Also Available for Curb Side Pickup at 211 17th Avenue SE

Usually ready in 24 hours

These 4" Crystal Grids are the perfect boards for beginners, or when you need multiple grids set up, or are simply wanting something smaller on your altar or sacred space. Amanda from The Witch Down The Lane crafts her boards entirely by hand, each piece is a powerful tool to be treasured for years to come.

Many of these designs are also available in larger sizes too, be sure to take a look at all of her creations here.

Germ of Life

Flower of Life

Seed of Life

Sacred Septagram

Mago's Circle

Eternal Cycle

Metatron's Cube

Using these boards:

The sacred tool you hold in your hands can be used in many ways to meet the needs of any practitioner. From a mindfully curated crystal grid, a charging talisman, a simple plate for a seven-day candle, or to be wielded for your sacred work and intent. Ultimately, this piece serves as a reminder of As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without - the universe, and everything in it are One.

For use as a Crystal Grid: Your center stone is where you set your intention or purpose. Surrounding stones focus your intention + amplify the effects of the center stone. Cleanse your crystals before placement. Pick your crystals both logically, and intuitively. Place your crystals, with the highest intention.

Change your thoughts, Change your vibration, Change your reality. Manifest accordingly.

With Love, The Witch.

These gorgeous boards have been handcrafted with such love and care by the ever-talented Amanda from The Witch Down the Lane. We are lucky enough to also have Amanda teach Crystal and Tarot Workshops in the community space of our beautiful Calgary boutique.

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