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Magos Circle Manifesting Crystal Grids


Magos Circle

The circle is a universal symbol. It represents the notions of totality, wholeness, original perfection, the Self, the infinite, eternity, timelessness, and cyclic movement. Within the circle, we work with the four corners - Four, symbolizing creation into matter. Four seasons; four winds; four directions; four elements; and eight - eight being solidarity and stability. Abundance, prosperity, hard work, and determiniation. Spiritually eight is the equalizer. This is the Magicians Circle. 

What is a crystal grid or manifestation board?

The board or grid is a sacred thumbprint and template. Using sacred geometry, the energy of crystals, and one's own intentions, we tap into a universal language of vibration, energy, and arithmetic. When arranged and set, this creates a shift in energy - both in and around us - ultimately helping to bring about the change that we desire. 

Birch Wood: New Beginnings, Birth + Rebirth, Healing, Cleansing the Past, New Journeys, New Ideas, Opportunity. 

Your manifestation board has been handcrafted out of Birch Wood. Birch symbolizes new beginnings and renewal - probably due to the fact that it is the first tree to grow back after a forest has been burned, and the fact that it sheds and regrows its bark - consistently releasing the old to make way for the new. 

Using this board:

The sacred tool you hold in your hands can be used in many ways to meet the needs of any practitioner. From a mindfully curated crystal grid, a charging talisman, a simple plate for a seven-day candle, or to be wielded for your sacred work and intent. Ultimately, this piece serves as a reminder of As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without - the universe, and everything in it are One.

For use as a Crystal Grid: Your center stone is where you set your intention or purpose. Surrounding stones focus your intention + amplify the effects of the center stone. Cleanse your crystals before placement. Pick your crystals both logically, and intuitively. Place your crystals, with the highest intention.

Change your thoughts, Change your vibration, Change your reality. Manifest accordingly.

With Love, The Witch.

These gorgeous boards have been handcrafted with such love and care by the ever-talented Amanda from The Witch Down the Lane. We are lucky enough to also have Amanda teach Crystal and Tarot Workshops in the community space of our beautiful Calgary boutique.

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