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Jadeite Crystal Bracelet

You can use this bracelet as a reminder of your intentions or even just to carry the energy of this crystal with you throughout the day.

Stability | Prosperity | Longevity

Jadeite is the second of the two forms of Jade, Nephrite is the other. This Jade is less common and comes in a variety of colours; red, yellow, lavender, orange, black, blue, white, pink and a pale apple to deep emerald green. Like all Jades, Jadeite is a stone of abundance and prosperity, keep it in a cash register to attract more business, or carry it when starting a new venture. That abundant energy can be carried over to your garden as well, place pieces in and around your plants or garden. Jadeite is a stone of harmony, thought to bring cohesiveness to group settings, whether that's family, friends, or colleagues. 

Chakra Associations: Root + Heart
Astrological Associations: Taurus, Libra + Pisces
Origin: Myanmar formally known as Burma

Bead Size: 4mm

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