Tumbled Black Obsidian


Grounding | Protection | Shielding

Black Obsidian is the opaque variety of volcanic glass while its translucent counterpart is known as Apache Tears.On occasion, it’s been referred to as the “Wizards Stone” because it’s been used in magical practice since ancient times. It’s a powerful protection stone that can be carried daily to guard against negativity, hostile and demanding people, spiritual entities that do not belong. When you’re encountering blocks, be they emotional or otherwise, meditate with Obsidian to help you find a creative way to work through these blocks. If you or your pet are struggling with nervousness, irritability, or restlessness keep a piece of Black Obsidian nearby to develop your intuition and keep you firmly grounded. For those that struggle with trauma, past or present, Black Obsidian may be very helpful when doing Shadow work, with some people calling it the mirror into the soul and aids in revealing your inner truth

Chakra Associations: Root
Astrological Associations: Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius + Capricorn
Planetary Associations: Mars
Tarot Card: Knight of Wands
Deity Associations: Hekate, Kali
Origin: Peru + Mexico

Tumbled stones have been smoothed or polished from their raw form, not into any specific shape but are no longer rough or jagged to the touch. These crystals are usually more affordable and are good for everyday crystal use such as grids, meditation, affirmations, altar work, feng shui and more.

We will select your piece intuitively, with love and care! 🖤

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