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Cast Iron Ritual Cauldrons - Plain



The cast-iron cauldron brings with it visions of secretive ancient witches and powerful bubbling brews. With such a long history it might surprise some to know that the cauldron is still a widely used tool in ritual practices, though perhaps not in quite the same way as myths and stories would have us believe. Regarded as a symbol of the womb, the cauldron carries with it strong feminine energy and can be used in many different ways. 

These gorgeous plain cast iron cauldrons come in multiple styles like Pentacle, Triple Moon, and Ribbedversions. They are all complete with legs, a lid, and a strong metal handle.

These beauties will generally provide a fireproof safe container for anything smoldering, or ritual requiring a form of small fire indoors. Ideal for all kinds of dried herbs, sage, palo santo, as well as any type of resin (with charcoal, or on its own.) Pretty much an indispensable tool for any altar or ritual workspace.

These can also be used as scrying tools when filled with simple water!

Did we mention yet they are also beautiful as candle holders? (seriously, just grab one! haha)

These multi-purpose altar companions really are useful in any kind of ritual/ceremonial work. Enjoy!

Approximate Size References
Small - Approximately 3"High x 3.25"Wide with a 2.5"Opening
MediumApproximately 3.25"High x 3.5"Wide with a 2.5"Opening
LargeApproximately 3.75"High x 4.5"Wide with a 4.25"Opening

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