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Ritual Herbs - Solomon's Seal Root


Element Associations:Water
Planetary Associations:Saturn
Astrological Associations:Capricorn
Energy:Feminine / Receptive
Magical Properties:Exorcism, Protection, Offering, Wisdom, Hex-Breaking, Success
Healing Properties:Demulcent, Astringent, Decongestant, Anti-inflammatory

Solomon’s Seal is a perennial native to Europe and temperate regions in Asia and North America. The plant is rarely encountered in nature, however, it is a fairly common ornamental plant. Solomon’s Seal gets its name from the appearance of scars on the rhizome that come from previous stem shoot locations, as they resemble the 6th seal of Solomon. True Solomon’s Seal is almost entirely poisonous, save for the rhizome and young shoots. The most dangerous part of the plant to consume is the berries, which may cause vomiting when ingested. It is for this reason that the rhizome is the part of the plant most utilized in medicinal practices. 

Solomon’s seal has long been used for healing in regions it is native to, particularly for its ability to mitigate severe bruising, as well as for its anti-inflammatory properties. First records of its use come from 1st century China, though indigenous groups in North America have been using it likely for just as long. Most often, the rhizome of the plant is used as a poultice and applied to areas affected by severe bruising and inflammation, and ingested to moderate inflammation of the intestines. Due to its demulcent properties, Solomon's seal is effective in soothing irritation in the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, as well as in reproductive systems. 

Placing the root of Solomon's seal in the four corners of your home is said to protect your home and its occupants. An infusion made with the roots can be used to purify an area, and burning it as incense has the same effect. Burning parts of the plant as incense is also said to aid in clearing the mind, allowing for greater wisdom and foresight when it comes to any sort of decision-making. Carry Solomon's seal in a red pouch with dragon’s blood, John the Conqueror root, five-finger grass, and devil’s shoestring to attract success, respect, and good favour. 

**Always consult a physician before using herbal products, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medication(s). These herbs, resins, roots, flowers, and powders are meant to be used for spell and ritual work.

  • "Small" bags are full 2x3" re-sealable zip lock bags. Roughly 0.75 oz per bag.

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