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Clarity | Spiritual Guidance | Self-Expression
Blue Apatite is thought to enhance the manifestation of ideas into reality and facilitate results. When you're hoping to uncover the truth in a situation, Blue Apatite may be used to expand insights and bring clarity. This is a great stone for teachers as it works to enhance self-expression and communication on all levels. When doing energy or Chakra work, this stone is believed to strike a balance between Yin and Yang, masculine and feminine, and all the chakras. It's believed to help deepen and maintain focus when in a meditative state allowing you to connect to higher levels of spiritual guidance and sometimes even increasing clairvoyance.
Chakra Associations: Throat + Third Eye
Astrological Associations: Gemini, Libra + Scorpio
Planetary Associations: Pluto
Taro Card: Five of Pentacles
Origin: Brazil
Great for all spiritual work, tumbled stones have been smoothed or polished from their raw form, not into any specific shape but are no longer rough or jagged to the touch. These crystals are usually more affordable and are good for everyday crystal use such as grids, meditation, affirmations, altar work, feng shui and more.
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