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Protective | Communication | Calming
In ancient times, Aquamarine was a ‘stone of courage and protection’ thought to protect a person from drowning, calm fears and phobias, and allow for safe travel by water. As the name would suggest this stone is thought to connect to the energy of the ocean, and nature spirits from the sea. It’s often used when working with the Throat chakra to clear away communication blocks, encourage verbal self-expression, and enhance spiritual communication. This is a great stone for students as it’s thought to help assimilate new knowledge, encourage intellectual growth, and open up the subconscious mind to enhance intuition.
Chakra Associations: Heart, Throat + Third-Eye
Astrological Associations: Aries, Gemini, Scorpio + Pisces
Planetary Associations: Pluto
Tarot Card: Judgement
Origin: Brazil
We will choose your stone(s) intuitively, with love and care!
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