Divine Expression | Angelic Communication | Clarity
Celestite is dripping with Divine energies. It is used to lead you into the infinite peace found in the spiritual world. This is a high-frequency stone that may help connect you to Divine realms, flowing freely through the Crown and Third-Eye and down to Throat so that it can be expressed. Tuck it under your pillow or mattress when you want to recall the details and information from your dreams. If you have a fear of crowds or public speaking, carry a piece of Celestite with you as it may help you to shake off that fear, and nervousness. Celestite is a great facilitator for peace and harmony.
Chakra Associations: Throat, Third-Eye + Crown
Astrology Associations: Gemini, Cancer, Libra + Pisces
Planetary Associations: Mercury
Tarot Card: The Star
Origin: Madagascar
We will intuitively choose your stone(s) with love and care.
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