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5 Plants that are Perfect for Your Bedroom

December 14, 2018

5 Plants that are Perfect for Your Bedroom

Having plants throughout my home and office is one of my favourite ways to decorate for so many reasons. Not only do they add some colourful life to any room, but they also boost your mood, absorb carbon dioxide, produce oxygen, and can help maintain indoor humidity levels. I mean, come on, that’s a lot for one beautiful plant to do every day.

Now, there are people who are opposed to having plants (in the bedroom especially) and that’s alright, we don’t need to agree on everything. For those that are wanting to achieve Feng Shui in the bedroom, plants may not be for you as they are believed to have strongYang energy for growth and movement. Sleep would be aYin eventneeding rest, calm, slowness, and quiet. Plants are also known to respire carbon dioxide even though they do absorb it as well, which could be worrying. However, do keep in mind that plants are still a net carbon sink, so they are absorbing more than they are emitting. With that being said, I encourage you to do your own research and decide what’s best for you. This post is obviously pro-plants in the bedroom! So here are my top five favourites for the bedroom;

  1. Aloe Vera Plants:

    I have to say that Aloe plants are one of my all-time favourites for any room! Why? Well, they absorb carbon dioxide, they release plenty of oxygen at night, and they’re a growing first-aid kit. The gel can be used for relieving sunburned skin as well as other scrapes and burns and can be used in some DIY beauty/hair products. Plants that produce oxygen at night can help you achieve a better and deeper sleep. Something I know I can really use most nights. It’s really a must-have plant.

    They’re also a fairly low maintenance plant, which makes them that much better, in my opinion. Be sure you have it in a wide pot with well-draining soil. Aloe is very hardy, but lack of proper drainage can cause rot. You’ll want to have it under bright, indirect light (north facing windows are great for this) or bright artificial light if you’re in a windowless space like my office. Water them thoroughly, but wait until the soil is completely dry about 1 to 2 inches deep before the next watering. You’ll want to do this approximately every 2 to 3 weeks, depending on the climate, and even less in winter. Make sure your fur babies don’t chew on this plant though, as it can be toxic to both humans and animals if ingested.
  1. English Ivy:
This is another plant that is excellent for absorbing air pollutants (especially formaldehyde). This air purifying machine is often referred to as the “fix for allergies” since it is so effective at cleaning the air, and has been tested to greatly reduce indoor mold counts.
English Ivy is a bit more flexible when it comes to light. It can survive in sun and shade, however, I’d recommend indirect light. Again, you’ll want to have well-drained soil for this one. Watering will be more frequent, so you’ll want to keep the soil moist and spray the leaves weekly to keep spider mites at bay. This is another plant that can be hazardous if ingested, so remember to keep it up and away from furry paws.
  1. Peace Lily:

Another superstar plant for the bedroom, the Peace Lily is not only beautiful but useful as well. The moisture given off by the flowers has been known to boost the humidity in a room by 5%, so those of us that live in drier climates could really benefit from one of these. It’s very helpful for filtering out harmfulbenzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde toxins, but just keep it out of reach of small children and pets.

Place this plant in a shady area where it can still soak up a sprinkling of sunlight and keep the soil moist with weekly waterings. Seems like a fair trade for all the good things this gorgeous plant is going to do for your home.

  1. Spider Plant:
Finally, a plant that won’t cause irritation if your pet decides to chew on it! The Spider Plant is another air purifying powerhouse. It’s been shown to remove up to 90% of formaldehyde from the air. It can also sustain oxygen levels in a room, which will help promote better sleep. But this plant doesn’t have to stay in the bedroom - because of its odor and fume absorbing ability, you can hang one in the kitchen or the bathroom.
Moderate and indirect sunlight works best for this plant, as it doesn’t like the heat of the sun. Keep the soil moist in the spring and summer - don’t let the soil dry out! Use filtered or distilled water if possible, too much salt or fluoride in the soil can cause tip burn (cut the brown tips off when that occurs). You’ll occasionally find brown discs on the leaves from time to time but they are easy to scrape off with just your fingernail. This super plant may even produce tiny white flowers in the summer if cared for.
  1. Snake Plant (Mother-in-Laws Tongue):
Probably the most recommended plant for bedrooms, the Snake Plant is another nighttime oxygen producing plant. It’s great at absorbing common household toxins, specifically formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene. The absorption of carbon dioxide doesn’t hurt either. Bonus, it’s hardy and super easy to care for even though it isn’t safe for pets or small children to ingest.
Well-draining potting soil, a succulent mix is ideal. This plant enjoys direct or indirect light, and can even survive in shady corners of a room. Make sure it’s kept in a warm room above 10 degrees Celsius. Let the soil completely dry between waterings and only water it approximately once a month during the winter. Root rot from overwatering is the main way to kill this plant. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust on occasion, and you may have to divide and repot this plant in the spring as it is a rapid grower. With a little love and care, this plant may even flower on occasion.

I hope this helps you choose the right plant for your home. Do you have any more suggestions on some other great plants to help with sleep? I’d love to hear about them.

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