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Akashic Record Readings


To support you and keep our community safe Terra is offering online 30 minute and full 1-hour Akashic Records Readings through online conferencing!

*If you would like to book a full 1-hour appointment with Terra for $150 as many do, simply choose 2 back to back time slots. *When booking your reading be mindful that the dates are listed in MST!

Before your scheduled appointment you will receive an email with suggestions on how to prepare for your reading, as well as a private link to your scheduled appointment. You will also receive a digitally formatted copy of the recording from your reading!

What are The Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are known throughout various cultures and times and have different names, but for all intensive purposes let’s keep it simple and call them the Akashic Records. They contain the story or blueprint of your soul; from the first spark of creation and expanding into many infinite possibilities; past, present, future and multidimensional. When accessing the Akashic records you are expanding your awareness and consciousness, so that you can travel into this soul level dimension of consciousness. The Akashic field is one of unconditional love, free from judgement and to be considered a safe and sacred space where you can really dive deep into the essence of who you are. 

This video Terra has created really helps explain:

What is an Akashic Records Reading?

It is different than a psychic or intuitive and is not "fortune telling" Having open dialogue and asking questions about the areas you would like to address is strongly encouraged, the more information you share about your situation the more the reading will unfold to create more depth and clarity for you. I feel it is a Psycho-spiritual approach to get to know yourself and your soul on a deeper level, if and when you are ready to receive the information.

What is the purpose of having an Akashic Records Reading?

The reason an individual chooses to have an Akashic Records reading varies, therefore it is not to be viewed as a “one size fits all” reading. Some people want to explore past lives and receive healing from traumatic events that have been inflicted on their soul, or focus on situations that are more related to their present life and current circumstances. The Akashic Records contain the past, present and probable futures; there are no limits on what can be addressed and explored. Having an Akashic Records reading will give you a deeper understanding of your Soul’s journey and help you connect with the essence of who you are.

What kind of questions can you ask?

There are no “right” or “wrong” questions.
Keep in mind some questions you ask might not always provide answers because there may be more emotional/energetic homework required before you are able to receive information from a specific record. 
Before your reading, it is very helpful to create a list of questions you would like to ask your record keepers, that focus on areas you wish to work on, or address.

Current life challenges, relationships(family/friends), repeating patterns and behaviours, spiritual growth or path, life purpose and direction, influences from past lives.

Questions are the key to receiving the desired answers. The clearer the questions, the clearer and more precise the answers will be. A few examples:

"Do I have limiting beliefs that are blocking me from receiving my abundance?"
"What is the next step I can take to achieve my current goals?"
"I currently feel like I’m not on my path. What are some steps I can take so that I feel more joyful?" "Why do the same type of people keep showing up in my life?"
"I really feel drawn to “Place, culture, music” why? Have I lived there in a past life?"

Asking questions that use “how”, “what” or “why”, is a great way to peel back different layers for the information you receive.

These are just a small example of the types of questions you can ask. Have fun, be creative and with courage and compassion, dive deep into the mystery to see what has been waiting to be rediscovered all this time!

Terra also offers Energy Healing Services with us, You can find out more and book your appointment here.

We are also so pleased to be hosting Terra for Akashic Record Workshops! You can learn more here.

About Terra Kenzie Longacre, NHPC

Terra is an Intuitive Holistic Health Practitioner, Reader, Healer and Teacher offering inspiration and insight for the soul's journey. She assists people in aligning with their soul purpose and potential for this life.Terra is very passionate about teaching classes & workshops on the Akashic Records and wants to support people in connecting with ancient soul wisdom & share these tools of transformation & empowerment with everyone.Terra is a graduate of the Holistic Health Practitioner Training Program offered by Transformational Arts College of Spiritual and Holistic Training; a member of the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada, a certified Akashic Record consultant and creator of the Soul Path Program. We encourage you to learn more and connect with Terra on Instagram or through her website.

*Please note that all Readings, Event and Workshop bookings are Final Sale as they immediately go to support reader and take the time slot otherwise filled. This policy is needed so that we can continue to support our ever-growing community in this way. Thank you for your understanding! 

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Best Reading Ever

I was blessed with the opportunity to not only take the Akashic Record Workshop with Terra but then to have a one-on-one reading with her a couple weeks after. She READS you - your soul, your being. She knows when you are forming a question in your mind before you even have it ready. She is an absolute dream of a person. Tender, kind, loving, caring, truly wants to help and give you the most out of your reading with her. I just want to be around her and her energy. We did some energy work while doing my reading and my life changed instantly. She has helped me to release anxiety and fear, showed me how to continue my healing journey once I went home, and made sure I was comfortable with what I'd learned/would be doing. I cannot say enough about this experience - if you have the chance to sign up for a reading with Terra, do it. Do yourself a huge act of kindness. It is SO worth it. THANK YOU, TERRA! For everything. With love, Dana.