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Alice Bailey - Initiation Human and Solar

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This 18th printing of Initiation Human and Solar is published only by Lucis Publishing Co. It includes all of the text provided in the original 1922 edition plus an index of key topics covered in the book.

The theme of "initiation" appears in various relationships throughout this series of books. An initiation is an expansion of consciousness a means of opening the mind and heart to a recognition of what already exists in reality. It is, therefore, a result of the ability to transcend those glamours and illusions which veil the truth and limit the consciousness.

As a living process, initiation is experienced by all forms of life, large and small, from the universal to the particular. The process of initiation in our solar system is based on a pattern that is duplicated and reflected within the whole, and throughout all its many parts. It could be called the thread of living energy, accepted and woven into the whole tapestry by each unit of consciousness in the creation of an ultimate synthesis. The Path of Initiation, therefore, is the Path of the Antahkarana.

From this somewhat abstract realization, the individual must concretize the process in an effort to perceive and to understand how the diverse and distinctive forms of life included in a whole organism perform a vital individual function which, in relationship with all other parts, contribute to the all-encompassing plan of evolution. Even this effort to stretch the mind beyond its normal limits towards a comprehension of planetary purpose, plan and process, evokes a more inclusive awareness of relationships within the whole, and forces growth. A mind so stretched never quite returns to its original dimensions.

One of the great values of this book is that it does stretch the mind towards a new conception of the intense activity involved at all levels of consciousness on the planet to create conditions in which evolutionary growth can proceed. The work of the planetary Hierarchy, and of some of the responsible workers within the Hierarchy, is outlined in a way that brings everyday human life into focus as an outer expression of qualified purpose through the Ashrams of the Masters. The three departments of Hierarchy form important planetary focal points of cosmic energy flow, each one imbued with purpose and responsible for an aspect of the Plan of God. The inter-relationship and interaction of the many kingdoms and centres of consciousness are revealed as tending towards the complete integration and alignment of our Planetary Logos within the systemic whole.

The detailed procedures of initiation rituals revealed here stimulate the imagination, but essentially the individual aspirant treading the Path of Discipleship is thrown back on his own inner spiritual resources as the only means by which progress can be made and consciousness expanded. This he does to the extent that he becomes sensitive and responsive to energy wielded and projected by Hierarchy.

A disciple is "one who serves"eventually one who serves "the One". So the vast, dazzling and glorious process of evolution and initiation opens out in the depths and in the silence of the soul, and the disciple learns to relinquish all self-seeking even for personal spiritual experience and becomes absorbed with others in the service of the Plan.

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