Staff Pick

Ask The Witch Tarot

In the fascinating world of tarot, this complete package has something special to offer both beginners and advanced practitioners. The Major Arcana is transformed as each card introduces readers to famous witches throughout history, literature, and mythology. They encompass sage crones, ancient fairies, and historical women who spoke out and stood their ground. In the Minor Arcana, witches, their tools, and magical animals are divided into categories that correspond to the four elements of fire, water, air, and earth.

Samples include:
  • I The Magician - Circe
  • V The Hierophant - Saraswati
  • VIII Strength - Joan of Arc
  • XXIII Death - Baba Yaga
  • XVIII The Moon - Hekate XIX
  • The Sun - Bastet
Staff Pick: "It has a fun art style, the historical crossover of known witches in the Magos Arcana is a nice touch, and a close relation to Rider Waite in the Minor Arcana helps it feel familiar."- Richard

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