Protection | Creativity | Balance
Gold (Brown) Tigers Eye may bring brightness and optimism to a situation, and provide insight into problems. Known as a stone of protection, especially for travelers, Gold Tigers Eye may bring good luck and prosperity to those that carry it.
Chakra Associations: Sacral, Solar-Plexus + Third-Eye
Astrological Associations: Leo + Capricorn
A generator is often used for manifestation and generally has six facets (of equal or unequal proportions) that will meet into one point. The name comes from its ability to generate and amplify energy, boosting the power of other stones, or the stone it is made of.
We will select yours intuitively, with love and care!
Approximate Size Range for Small: 2.5"L x 1"W to 1.5"L x 1"W
Approximate Size Range for Medium: 3.5"L x 1"W to 2.5"L x 1"W
Approximate Weight: 80 to 120 grams